James Mixon,
Good one!
i wonder what the report to the branch would say.. he said " me, you and the wt organization is full of poop".. do we df him?
James Mixon,
Good one!
your favorite garrett here.
so, i'm about to have an elder tell me allll about the failed 1975 doctrine.
There is a scripture which the wts has never quoted. "No man knows the hour nor the day..."
They actually did quote that scripture in a 1968 magazine article that was entitled Why Are You Looking forward to 1975?:
- in which they warned that this was "not the time to hide behind" that particular scripture.
i wonder what the report to the branch would say.. he said " me, you and the wt organization is full of poop".. do we df him?
I certainly felt like doing so on a number of occasions, but was just a little more diplomatic about it than that. Mind you, I made sure the meaning was abundantly clear whenever I did so!
Footnote: The definition of diplomacy
"Diplomacy is the ability to tell somebody to go to Buggery, but in such a manner that they actually look forward to that journey."
(Working with a crew of rather roughneck guys who are mostly bigger than I am, I am presently perfecting the art of diplomacy!)
i am not sure why more people aren't talking about this?.
the march 15 study edition of the wt has some major changes!
- all unbiblical "types and antitypes" are now dropped.
these days, the majority of the R&F couldn't list the finer points of WT eschatology if their lives depended on it
That phrase probably nails it. These days, very few JWs can explain what it is that they are supposed to believe:
- something that they once used to harshly criticise the "Churches of Christendom" for.
As a consequence, I would hazard to guess that most doctrinal shifts such as these ones would go clean over the heads of the vast majority of the R&F.
your favorite garrett here.
so, i'm about to have an elder tell me allll about the failed 1975 doctrine.
If you answer imperfect men, the. What stops the other religions from using the same excuses?
Apparently, being wrong is a prerogative only of the WTS/GB.
If any other religious group is wrong, it is false doctrine, and they are in for the big chop come Armageddon. (No ifs, buts or maybes about that!)
However, if the JWs were wrong about something, "The Society (or GB) will correct itself" and it is merely just another example of the "New Light" that keeps getting "brighter and brighter". That excuse applies to no other religious group though - let it be noted!
the online version of "reasoning from the scriptures" has deleted the entry under "conversation stoppers" for when someone says "i'm a muslim".. online reasoning book.
for the record, this is what has been removed:.
*** rs pp.
Or, as in most Muslim countries, it is not allowed to preach to Muslims.
I know for a fact that in Malaysia, the JWs do not make any attempt to witness to Muslims. One Malaysian JW once explained to us that all it would take was just one instance of a JW attempting to witness to a Muslim, and the Witnesses would be banned in that country.
Talk about "fearlessly preaching the word" and "giving a through witness"!
seriously.....even when you were 100% in "the truth", did you really believe in living forever?
Not proud to admit to it, but yes - I did once believe that one, too.
just curious about others experience.
i've been living just a few miles from a kingdom hall for 9 years.
i've been called on 0 times.
Cults are attractive to kids who love to argue and fight with us ignorant parents.
A little off topic, but thanks for that piece of insight, PokerPlayerPhil. At last, I am now starting to get an understanding about something that has puzzled me for several decades:
- i.e. how it was that this particular bloody cult managed to ensnare me!
Otherwise, yes, their door to door activity is still operating. A pair of them were at my door last week, but turned around and walked straight back out again upon noticing the "Unsolicited Sales Callers Not Welcome" sticker.
http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/belief/2015/apr/14/british-christianity-trouble-religion-comeback .
the british have lost faith in religion much faster and more completely than they have lost faith in god.
the most recent survey to show this comes from win/gallup, which found that britain appeared one of the most irreligious countries on earth, with only 30% calling themselves religious.
Secularism need not stifle economic growth, as witness the case of China, whose economy is outperforming both those of Europe and America - and yet (according to that Win-Gallup poll) whose population is at least 60% atheist.
Not, too, that the percentage of China's population that identified themselves as atheist (60%) far exceeds that of Britain's (13%). That would strongly suggest that the British population has retained a belief in God, but has had a complete fill of religion (I wonder why!)
there was a statue outside the rhodes university.
a 30 year old black student then threw his pooh on the statue and that got the ball rolling to pull the statue down.
the board of this university built also gives out burseries and grants to previously disadvantaged black south africans and not disadvantaged black south africans.. there has been a huge debate in the country and now the statue has been removed.
Barrold - because I mention the race of someone makes it a bad thing? No! I'm not afraid to say a black person threw pooh on a statue. I'm not afraid to say a white cop shot and killed a black man. You know why, because those are the facts. In South Africa we are not afraid to mention race - you should 't have to be. Hell, I come from a mixed family myself - so race does not bother me. Go bury your head in the sand somewhere.